
06/05/2014 18:25

My car needed to visit a mechanic today in Kirkcaldy. Afterwards I handed out flyers on the high street for a couple of hours. I sat down by a young man who was made homeless a few months ago. He was seeking some assistance from those who were passing by. I was able to share the Gospel with he and his friend. Please pray that God will meet ALL their needs.

After passing out a lot of flyers (most people were taking them) I had a man almost ask me for one. I would say that he is seeking after God. We had a great chat and I hope that I'll hear from him in the future. I had asked his name at one point and later in the conversation I accidently used the other man's name. I said, "I'm sorry that was the other man I was speaking to." He said, "You mean the homeless man? I saw you talking to him and thought you must really care about people if you were taking the time to speak with someone who has an obvious need." That is why he wanted to talk to me when he saw me later this afternoon.  

04/05/2014 12:43

The children did wonderfully this morning as they sang, "I want to Faithful." They've got a sweet spirit about serving the Lord in this way and God has given us some young people that can sing. It was a blessing. 

I preached this morning a message entitled,  "Going Up?" from I Thesallonians 4:13-17.  

Thanks for your prayers for our ministry. The Lord gave us an encouraging morning.

01/05/2014 16:50

So, we were eating dinner when Logan goes nuts, "Saying look, look, look what's in the back garden!" 

01/05/2014 16:17

I enjoyed sharing the Gospel with a young man as he peddled some goods by our home. He actually had something we needed. We had something he needed as well. I gave him a couple Gospel flyers and a Gospel of John and Romans. I showed him several verses. He was a very kind young man and thoughtful. Please pray that his heart will be encouraged through what he received.

After that I took a Christian friend, who attends our church on Sunday evenings and Thursdays, to an ear appointment. While he was inside I handed out some flyers in Edinburgh. The first person took one. The second person took one and put it in a bin three feet away from me. Unbelievers ought to realize that there must be a God. Nobody hates Santa Claus, because he doesn't exist. But, they HATE Jesus. I don't mind sharing the reproach of Christ. I feel bad that they don't know the joy and peace of which the flyer speaks.

29/04/2014 15:17

Thank you for praying for our pastor's fellowship. Many people were unable to attend the meeting. And so, we had an informal fellowship at our home. God gave us great weather and we really enjoyed the day. I'll put a few pictures below.

I was able to put out flyers for a little while yesterday afternoon. I didn't have any divine appointments until I went to a computer shop afterwards. I had a great conversation with a man who believes science. However, he is open minded and listened as I spoke to him about the Lord. I may get a follow up opportunity as I source my wife's birthday present. No, I'm not giving away the surprise. I already did. I had to ask for her input on what I'm getting her. 

27/04/2014 12:59

The Lord gave Benson and I a great opportunity to comfort a friend in the community who has lost a very young relative. We used a picture taken last week which had the verse in it, "I am the resurrection and the Life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." I was reminded of the precious hope we have in Christ. Please pray that God will meet her need during this time of heartache.

Our faithful group was there today. I preached this morning on "Touching Jesus" from the story of the woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years. I am reminded this morning that Jesus still has the power to heal and to meet physical needs. Thanks for praying for our services.

23/04/2014 12:36

I put out flyers for a couple of hours this morning. I was greatly challenged as I listened to an old English preacher. He was preaching on prayer and he used two illustrations from Scotland. One was a Scot he knew that lived near Chicago. He said that this elderly man spent hours in prayer each night. The other man he mentioned was John Knox. I also listened to a professor do a first person account of the life of John Knox. 

I had one good opportunity to speak to an older man about Jesus. If anyone had their windows open they got to hear it too as this man was quite hard of hearing.

Late this afternoon I get to participate in a Bible class at a Christian School in Lasalle, IL. I'll be skyping with them. Please pray that God will use that time to encourage them in their walk with him. Thanks for praying.

20/04/2014 20:17

We said Happy Easter this morning to one another and Happy Birthday to Nelson. Nelson is the gauge for how long we have been in Scotland. We had been here a month when he was born and he just turned 4. It was a beautiful day and God gave us a great Lord's day.

We can say tonight it's been good to be in the house of the Lord. You'll probably be surprised to find that I preached this morning on the resurrection of Jesus. The message was from Matthew's account as I preached on, "The Great Escape from Death."

Our evening culminated with a trip to the great Baptist after church place, McDonalds.  Nelson had that on his mind as a great Birthday adventure. 

God's good. Thanks for praying for our day.

18/04/2014 10:37

I've recently read David Wilkinsons book, "The Cross and the Switchblade." The Lord really used that book to rekindle my burden for young people and to remind me of the power of the Gospel to change lives. (please note: I'm not in agreement with charismatic theology or a second work of grace.) If you are unfamiliar with that title, it is the story of a country preacher in PA used of God to reach the gangs in NYC. 

I was interested in reading it because of how many times in my evangelism I have met people who have accepted Christ after reading that book.

I purchased five more copies of it to share with friends in our community. I handed out three of these yesterday. They were very well received. God is at work. Please pray for God to finish His great work in these hearts.


16/04/2014 22:12

Benson and I had two great opportunities to speak with people about the Lord. They were a bit unusual because they were unexpected. The one lady was mowing her front yard and stopped to speak. The man was painting his fence but engaged in a lengthy conversation. So, praise the Lord for open doors.

We just purchased our flights. That was a big decision. We're leaving here on August 19 and returning on February 13. Thank you for praying for wisdom. I'm confident that we got the itinerary the Lord wants us to have. I also want to thank the Lord for two more meetings scheduled today. Both are with new churches. 

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Benjamin and Katie Shore (715) 254-6968
The time here is EST + 5 hours