Some encouragement

24/08/2023 13:50

The Lord has given us some encouragement lately. We enjoyed having 4 visitors at church last Sunday PM. We had 3 first time children and an adult join us. It was fun to have good attendance on a Sunday PM. We're also looking forward to having Steve and Martha Anderson with us starting tomorrow evening. Please pray for grace for the Andersons as they are in the middle of a long trip visitng many ministries in Ireland and the UK.

I was able to get out street preaching yesterday. I'm thankful for the enablement God gives and know that many are praying. Thank you for your support in that Gospel endeavour.

We added a Gospel flag in the front of our church with John 3:16 on it. Our location is on a busy walking route and many vehicles travel past as well. The vehicles often stop of necessity near this sign to allow for oncoming traffic. Please pray for God to use this verse in the hearts of those who see it.


Benjamin and Katie Shore (715) 254-6968
The time here is EST + 5 hours