Sunday blessings....

10/12/2023 12:54

It was a joy to have more people out for SS and church this morning than we have had for the past few weeks. We thank God for our church family. It's wonderful when we are able to fellowship with one another.

I preached this morning on, "Comfort for God's People" from Isaiah 40. It was good to focus on the reasons for comfort as well as the Divine Person who comforts us.

Tonight we are looking forward to our evening service and then decorating the church for Christmas. We're also excited about our Ladies' Christmas Tea on Friday at 6pm. Please pray for God to work in the hearts of ladies in our community and that they would want to come. All who come will enjoy it! Please also pray for Katie as she plans and prepares for that evening.



Benjamin and Katie Shore (715) 254-6968
The time here is EST + 5 hours